Sooooooooooooo, as everyone can see (if you still check this blog) it's been a while. Now where was I? Well, we've been busy. Rollie and Lyla are growing fast. Lyla has been walking since she was about 6 months old and Rollie is still a monkey and has figured out how to climb our tether-ball pole. Demya's teaching Band at the American Preparatory Academy's SNA and TAS (you'll have to ask her what the acronyms mean). I've been working on a second BA only this time it'll have a license attached to it so I can finally get a better job. Hopefully this degree will be done including the mandatory educational-based SLAVE LABOR before December of next year.
Pictures will be coming soon. (I lost my camera's power chord in our move from Colorado so I haven't taken many pictures except on my phone and I don't know how to load them from there to here.)
A few of you may catch the title's reference, bonus points to you.